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Should UX Designers Be Doing Research or Should That Be Left Only To UX Researchers?

 Mar 27, 2023
Should UX Designers Be Doing Research or Should That Be Left Only To UX Researchers? image


As industry leaders in user experience research, we are pleased to offer you access to our latest white paper: ‘Should UX designers be doing research or should that be left only to UX researchers?’

While there are many opinions offered on this topic, we ran our own UX research project to discover what those actively working in the UX industry think about this question. By the end of this white paper, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges UX designers may face when attempting UX research and how to best organize your team to face these challenges.

As part of this, we help you to distinguish between different types of research and their impact on your business. By knowing the issues presented by different projects, you will learn how dedicated UX researchers can help coordinate project delivery to ensure the fundamentals are done right.

If you are looking for ideas on how to best organize your Design team, this white paper will give you fresh insight into the unique challenges as well as the solutions available in the modern world of user-centric design.

Table of Contents

  1. What are the challenges UX designers face when doing user research?
  2. What are the challenges for the business?
  3. Business solutions for overcoming this challenge
  4. Conclusion
  5. Bibliography

Is UX Research (UXR) hallowed ground, appropriate only for specialists, or should it be open to UX Designers?

Rather than just continuing the debate, we have run our own research into the question. On the way, we spoke to 10 UX professionals (5 UX researchers and 5 UX designers) from a variety of industries to gauge the reality on the ground and their views on best practices within research. We also ran desk research to better understand the context of this issue.

Within this, we looked at the makeup of the participants’ teams, including the ratio of designers to researchers, who was actually doing the research, as well as the delegation of tasks, ethical considerations, and the tools in place to support research.

Our conclusion: the answer is ‘yes’, but with a lot of caveats, such as how designers can be best enabled to conduct research, and the limitations of this approach. The strategy and reasoning behind using designers for research are also fundamental.

What will you get from this paper?

A clear understanding of what needs to be put in place so you can get the best results with the team you have.

UX professionals’ views and experiences on the challenges to expect for both designers and businesses when non-researchers run research activities.

Why are people asking this question in the first place?

The primary reason for this topic becoming so popular in our current climate is the explosion in demand for research-driven decision-making over the last few years. Along with this demand has come the need to better understand the unique value researchers bring in order to make the business case for their place in a team.

Decisions based on poor research can lead to high costs further down the line, meaning businesses are keen to understand how to make sure research is conducted in the best way possible.

“We’ve recently observed demand for UX research grow by 25% year over year – a pace which, if sustained, could double the size of our field every three years.”

– Jason Buhle, Managing Director at Answer Lab

Why do you want designers to do research?

There are many possibilities here, but three which come up again and again are:

You are looking to scale user research in your business

You have a long backlog of user research tasks and are looking for a way to speed up the findings

You are not sure why there is a user research specialization in the first place

What are the challenges UX designers face when doing user research?

When similarities end

User researchers and User experience designers are connected by a user-centric approach to business decision-making. In other words, their work is about putting the person actually using the product or service in the spotlight. This contrasts strongly with the old model, which saw the business itself being at the center of the story.

Despite this similarity, the professions have become increasingly specialist, and many UX designers now struggle to take on demanding research projects.

“When we do a lot of user research, it’s easy to feel confident… But if you do user research well, you will always find something that is surprising. No matter how much user research we do, no matter how much time we spend with our customers, we can’t completely know them. And I feel like the goal of user research should be to find those moments.”

– Jason Buhle, Managing Director at Answer Lab

UX research training

From the 10 participants, 5 were UX designers, and all 5 said they had received some UXR training as part of their initial training courses.

After learning this, we looked into the top 20 UX design courses available – provided by universities, boot camps, and online courses. Every one of these courses currently offers a user research training framework, including a top-level overview of:

  1. Usability Testing
  2. Competitive analysis
  3. Survey writing
  4. Interviews

Despite this initial training, it was apparent from our interviews that the education received was very high-level and did not prepare these UX designers for the complexities of running user research in a real business environment.

“During my course, we did free-run user research just to practice the user research method. The downside of what I learnt in my initial training was not having a client to give me real business constraints”

– A UX Designer

The things UX designers are rarely prepared for

According to our participants, the following skills and activities are hard for UX designers to engage with, due to a lack of practice and training:

  • Knowing how to write non-leading questions
  • Managing participants’ data
  • Dealing with the unexpected in user research sessions
  • Ethics of running user research with people
  • Writing an effective user research plan
  • Creating appropriate flow in discussion guides
  • Learning how to deal with bias
  • Variety of methodologies and when to choose one over another
  • Building rapport with a participant and understanding their context
  • Identifying caveats and communicating them
  • Running analysis and being able to uncover actionable insights

The UXR discipline is growing quickly but…

Due to the massive growth in the UXR industry over the past few years, staying on top of developments in best practices has become a real challenge.
Our research revealed that due to this rapid growth, learning has become decentralized, with user researchers learning more about their discipline on the job through a variety of means. Of the 5 user researchers spoken to, 4 claimed to learn the majority of their skills ‘on the job’. One such learning method was online events, in which experts share their own experiences.

Researcher’s responsibilities

A researcher’s role goes far beyond the framework introduced by UX design courses. Many of our participants indicated that the tasks that researchers do on a regular basis are both sensitive and time-consuming. These included:

  • Defining a research plan
  • Identifying which participants to recruit
  • Writing screeners
  • Define a recruitment strategy
  • Contact participants
  • Managing participants’ data
  • Writing discussion guides, and preparing tasks
  • Analyzing data
  • Supporting the wider team on their own research activities: survey writing, usability testing
  • Creating and managing research repositories
  • Analyzing customers feedback
  • Learning new tools that can support team
  • Producing templates to help both designers and PMs running research activities

Learning & development are still not clearly defined

Such a decentralized way of learning means the goalposts are always shifting for anyone looking to understand more about the industry – much as with other new fields in tech. As a result, UX designers find it a real challenge to know whether they are using best practices when conducting user research.

For the same reason, it has become intimidating for many professionals to transfer into UXR. Researchers tend to come from a wide range of backgrounds and do not have straightforward paths into the profession. Of those interviewed, we encountered backgrounds as varied as teaching, clinical psychology, and even theater. This ambiguity is again a challenge for designers looking to get into UXR.

Designers challenges

This wide range of responsibilities means designers have several challenges:


Becoming aware of all these background activities in the first place

Learning the required skills

Choosing which tasks to take on with limited time – since this constitutes an additional role for UX designers (something always has to be sacrificed in the name of prioritization)

Is your UX designer willing to do user research?

As we can see from the list of UXR tasks above, the role of the user researcher demands a great deal of very specific skills.

We already covered some of the implications of the vast list of responsibilities for designers, but there is another significant factor which came up during our interviews:

Is your UX designer actually willing to take on all these tasks?

Participants indicated that some UX designers showed a real interest in improving their user research skills, while others were more focused on UX design and less willing to take on user research.

“Some UX designers want to learn, while others simply don’t.

It depends on the person but also the time they have”

– A UX Researcher

“I definitely wouldn’t want to just do user research.”

– A UX Designer

Time is key for a UX designer to take on user research responsibilities!

According to the UX designers interviewed, UX designers have an enormous amount of responsibilities with high time pressure. This included:

  • Ideating solutions with designers and non-designers
  • Proposing user journey flows for customers with different needs
  • Producing low to mid-fidelity sketches, wireframes, and prototypes
  • Testing and validating prototypes with users
  • Working closely with UI Designers to deliver high-fidelity designs that are ready for delivery
  • Supporting Product Managers to define user stories and acceptance criteria for delivery

Many participants said that having such a wide array of tasks themselves meant a lot of prioritization and expectation management for the business. Some said it can be challenging to explain why their usual work is taking double the time to deliver when they have thorny research problems to tackle without clear learning resources to draw from.

This suggests that using UX designers instead of user researchers is inherently a compromise for businesses, as the inevitable time pressure will mean that tasks get dropped in the name of delivery.

What are the challenges for the business?


The main challenge of having user research done by a non-researcher for a business is the reliability of the findings.

It’s fundamental to identify mission-critical work and reflect on the cost of having it done by a non-specialist. Having a key assumption go unchecked is enormously risky as it can waste valuable resources on faulty thinking. Robert Pressman, the author, writes that,

“For every dollar you spend researching functionality during the design phase, it costs $10 dollars to redesign that functionality during development, and it costs $100 dollars or more after release.”

Some user research is better than no user research. Some clients do no user research. But at the same time, even when the user research is done, being in the wrong hands or analyzed differently can lead you astray.

– A UX Researcher

It’s always great to have folks on the ground who are properly trained to be able to accomplish mission-critical user research. Uncovering key business assumptions and testing them can save your business idea from failure.

– A UX Researcher

UX Designers have a different professional lens

The personal goals and outlooks of people in different positions can also add a bias which can affect business outcomes. Marketers, for example, have a bias towards a good story, Sales people towards making a quick sale.

One such bias which was mentioned during our interviews was that UX designers can be inclined to think about user research activities in terms of designing better interfaces and services, as opposed to business-level considerations. This can greatly impact the way UX designers approach user research, as it’s easy to lose focus by identifying how to solve the problem well, as opposed to asking if you are solving the right problem in the first place.

“Different departments have different interests in user research. In theory, even a product manager could do usability research, but my question is: why would they do that?”

– A UX Designer

“If you hire a dedicated user researcher, someone who specializes in how to do user research, they’re going to give you really deep insights into user behaviors, and they’re going to derive really great recommendations for how to drive your project forward. […] If you have a guy and they know a little bit of everything, maybe they’re pretty good, but it’s still a prescription for mediocrity in your product, compared to having a specialist team.[…] That’s how you get an excellent user experience”

Jakob Nielsen, NNG

Business solutions for overcoming this challenge

Democratizing user research for the right reasons

There is a scarcity of user researchers and far more UX designers. This leads companies to make the obvious leap to asking whether UX designers can take on both responsibilities.

NNG puts the ratio of UX designers to user researchers at 5 to 1, but we looked into the LinkedIn numbers and the gap appeared to be even wider. In December 2022 the number of professionals identifying themselves as UX Designers versus UX Researchers on LinkedIn was 9 to 1.

This could be an opportunity. Some participants mentioned how some UX designers if given the time would be keen to learn more about user research speciality:

“Am I confident? I would definitely say I am not confident, but I would like to pick it up. [..] Doing user research is part of the UX designer skill set.”

– A UX Designer

“If we are opening user research because people want to understand user behavior, I am 100% supportive of that. If we are just opening up because of a lack of user researchers then we should develop a program to train them.”

– A UX Researcher

Creating a system to support quality user research

These support systems can vary depending on your business context, but the key building blocks for support systems mentioned by our participants were:

The researchers we talked to who showed high levels of confidence in delegating user research tasks to UX designers mentioned that this was possible because they had a support system in place and that highly strategic work was undertaken by experienced UX researchers.

Creating a system to support quality user research

Tools to support:

analysis, recruitment, capturing interface feedback, sentiment analysis, collaboration [interactive boards], transcription.

Practice & training:

analysis, recruitment, capturing interface feedback, sentiment analysis, collaboration [interactive boards], transcription.

Templates & how-tos:

discussion guide do’s and don’ts, research plan structure, workshops templates [example: capture research questions]

Data privacy:

compliance protocols in place -information sheet, consent forms

Mission-critical work vs continuous work

This brings us onto the type of user research being conducted. Many of our participants indicated that dedicated UX researchers should be used for mission-critical work.

There are many benefits for the business of dividing user research activities in this way. Here are some of the opinions we collected on the matter:

“Any research that has a long-term impact, strategy/road map I prefer to have user researchers involved in it.”

– A UX Researcher

  • Dividing the load frees user researchers to do more strategic work while simultaneously creating a culture of user research across the design
  • Not all user research has a strategic impact. A lot of the usability work is done in iterations and is seen as low risk
  • Having people working on untested assumptions can lead to dropping projects constantly – this is demoralizing for any team.
  • With support, your UX designers can run regular usability testing, create surveys and run experiments to improve interfaces.
  • The speed of delivery can be greatly increased when you don’t have to wait on a user researcher.
  • Having a team excited about doing user research is very gratifying for everyone and creates an inquisitive culture where the user is prioritized.
  • People like to feel their work has an impact and will lead to something, user research makes sure more work actually has an impact and therefore keeps team motivation high.

Many participants indicated, however, that this takes a different shape in businesses of different sizes…

Smaller businesses

Having a large team of user researchers with a user research operations department is not doable for small- and medium-sized businesses. However, participants mentioned alternatives which can help to produce reliable user research:

This person can take on the critical work and support the team to do better user research with the right tools for recruitment, templates and training.

[n.b. Two of the participants were the only user researchers in their teams. As part of their roles, they would pick up on critical work and support UX designers when they were doing usability testing]

UX research consultancy was generally seen as a favorable solution when resources were too constrained for a full-time user researcher. Several participants mentioned outsourcing user research in order to ensure it was done to a high standard.


There are significant challenges for UX designers who have to take on user research responsibilities. Due to a lack of training and exposure, these challenges can pose a risk for a business when conducting mission-critical user research. This risk is compounded by the fact that both user researchers and UX designers have many responsibilities already, so UX designers will often have to cut corners in order to meet deadlines.

We recommend that teams have at least one user researcher to help facilitate the user research process by providing UX designers with tools and feedback. This has many advantages and can go a long way toward creating a culture of user research in a business.


Nicholas Aramouni

Nicholas Aramouni

Nicholas Aramouni is a Senior UX Researcher and Communications Manager who has developed his qualitative and quantitative knowledge by working within a variety of industries, including music entertainment, media, technology and education. Across his career, Nick has conducted numerous international studies in countries all around the globe, placing importance on developing international partnerships as a means of better understanding the various cultures and markets that push UX researchers further. Nicholas has enhanced his involvement in UX by also working as a marketing content strategist and speaker in the field. He has proudly completed a B.A in Policy Studies, a minor in Business Innovation and a B.A in Education.

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