What do I have to do during a user test?
You need to follow the usability test instructions as provided by our client (see following FAQs). It is very important that you speak your thoughts out loud as you follow the instructions. Try speaking and sharing your thoughts aloud during the entire user experience test. Some user tests require a webcam view, some do not. For those that do, it is important that it shows your face clearly.
What kind of sites will I be usability testing?
You’ll be user testing websites, prototypes, advertisements, videos and other types of material from small start-up companies to those of large well-known corporations. You can contact us before beginning a user experience test if you have doubts about its content.
What do usability activities consist of?
Examples of past user experience tasks include: Register for an account on a client site, log in, fill in your profile and add a friend. Pretend you are looking for a pair of jeans, search for jeans, look through the results and proceed to checkout, but stop before the order is confirmed. Look around ABC site, wherever your interests take you and give us feedback on the look and feel, concept and overall layout. Compare a home page to a competitor’s (or industry leader’s) home page and tell us what we do better or worse than them and which site you’d choose to visit and why. Compare the purchasing/checkout function of two sites. Conduct a search for an item/site. React to a series of advertisements, video or static images. Answer a series of questions.
What kind of user experience questions will I be asked?
You may be asked your opinion on things such as: Site navigation Overall concept Ease of use and intuitiveness Design, video, colors, layout Specific processes such as check out, log in, registration, search, utilities, etc. If you would use the site or recommend it to a friend If you remember a certain image or concept, or what you think it meant
How much time will I need to perform a usability test?
Typical user tests will require 20 to 40 minutes to complete.
Do I have to use real data for usability tests?
No. In Userlytics we are always looking to protect our participants’ privacy. If you ever take a part in a test that requires financial personal information (like a credit card number, social security number, passwords, home address), then please stop taking the test and contact us at support@userlytics.com
How many tests can I do per day?
We cannot tell you how often you will get an invite to test since it’s a random process that will select testers from our data base and we send out invitations to a limited number of testers. If you make sure to answer the surveys and to complete your tester profile, this will increase your chances of getting invited.
What computer hardware and software do I need to be a user tester for Userlytics?
You will need: Mac with OSX 10.11 or higher OR a PC with Windows 7 or higher, a high-speed internet access, a standard internet browser program (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome), headphones and a working built in mic.. For some tests you will also need a webcam.
Can I use my laptop webcam?
Yes, no problem using either a desktop or webcam laptop. However, best to have only one webcam connected (and configured), so that the Userlytics Recorder can easily locate the webcam it needs to use.
Can I launch a test from my mobile phone or tablet?
Yes, depending on the test you may be asked to launch from a smartphone (iOS or Android), a tablet, or a desktop, and sometimes both.
How do I get the unique code to access the app?
You need to be invited to a test and then launch it from your dashboard/email invitation in order to get a unique code for the app. Once you are registered in our Tester Database and a test becomes available that matches your tester profile, we will send out an email with the invitation to test. Please look for emails from userlytics.com. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you how often you will get an invitation to test as it is a random process that selects a limited number of testers from our large Tester Database
What is a “Screener”?
Sometimes, before being accepted to a test, you will be asked a series of questions to determine if you are the right profile for a particular test. It is very important that you answer honestly, otherwise you may receive a poor rating and not be reinvited to test later on.
Where do I download the Userlytics recorder?
You do not need to download the recorder prior to your first test. Once you receive an invitation you will be able to download it from your dashboard when starting the test. For some tests, you will not need to download anything, and can simply access the test directly from your browser.
What if I have technical problems during the usability test?
Because our clients come to us for quick results your slot in a user test may be taken by another user experience tester if you cannot complete it within a short time period. For this reason, you should make sure your computer is correctly set-up (your webcam and microphone are connected and configured correctly) prior to starting any usability test. If you have any problems with the Userlytics Recorder please contact us immediately, and send us screenshots of any issues you encounter.
What is tree jack testing?
Tree jack testing is a term often used interchangeably with tree testing. Both methods evaluate how well users can navigate through a tree structure to locate specific content. Tree jack testing highlights where users may struggle, providing actionable insights for improving content organization.
What if my user test assignment contains objectionable content?
We’ve installed several layers of protection to make sure that our user experience testers are not subjected to illegal or objectionable sites, but if you are directed to a site you find offensive please contact us immediately.
What is a user tester rating?
Our usability tester rating system allows our clients to rate the quality of the user experience feedback provided by our user testers. This encourages our UX testers to offer the most helpful usability testing feedback possible, i.e. a good combination of webcam, spoken and written user testing feedback. An important point is that our clients are looking for critical user testing feedback. In other words, they do not want to learn that their site is great, they do want to learn where it is not great, where it can be improved, where and what the problems are, where it is really bad.
I’m concerned about privacy. Can anyone see my profile or will my name be made public?
When you sign up to be a user tester with Userlytics you will be asked to choose a user tester ID. Only clients who are paying for you to conduct a usability test will be allowed to view your demographic profile information, and they will not in any case be able to view your entire name. Userlytics may use portions of your user experience test feedback (including screen recordings, audio commentary, webcam recordings, written commentary), to create samples for potential clients or in marketing material. If you do not wish to have your user test feedback used in this manner then please do not sign up to become one of our UX testers.
Is there a qualification test?
Sometimes we require our testers to take a qualification test.
When will I get paid?
Once our client has reviewed and positively rated your test feedback, your test will be marked as “approved”. Payments for approved tests are made once every 15 days.
I don’t want to have the Userlytics Recorder on my computer when I’m not performing a usability test
You can remove it however please keep in mind that it will take you longer to do each test if you need to download the Userlytics Recorder application every time you are invited to a test.
I’m new to remote user testing, what kinds of things should I know?
You don’t need to know anything about usability testing to be one of our user experience testers. In fact, many of our clients prefer user testers who have no prior experience of usability testing. This allows for realistic user experience feedback from real-world user testers.
I’m using 2 screens with extended desktop for this user test. How will I know, which one is being recorded?
Userlytics always records just 1 screen. Please pay attention on which screen you have the Userlytics Recorder (top center of the screen) and move your browser window to that screen.
I am not allowed to download the Userlytics Recorder
You may be operating within a corporate and/or firewall protected environment that does not allow you to download applications from the Internet. Some of our tests, such as our “Live Conversations” moderated usability tests, do not require downloading any application, plugin or extension.
Should I use an External Microphone?
No. Often times the use of external microphones will interfere with the sound recording, so please avoid them if possible and simply speak without the use of an external microphone, taking advantage of the internal microphone of your computer.
What do I have to write in the PayPal section?
You need to define the email address that is linked to your PayPal account (which is the email address that you use to log into that account).
How do I change my email address?
For security reasons we don’t allow testers to change their email address themselves. If you want to change your email address, please send an email to support@userlytics.com and tell us which email address you would like to use instead. We will change it for you.
Can I have more than one Userlytics tester account?
No, each tester can only have one Userlytics account. In the event that we detect the same tester has more than one account, we will take actions to remove the duplicate accounts and any payment they have generated, and may even permanently ban the tester from Userlytics.