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Testing for Impact

Make a difference by donating your time to Children International.

Children International

Giving has never been so simple or so smart!

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Become part of our community of charity minded testers who give their time to help children in poverty. Your time in a usability test can lead to a big impact!

Children International- Test


Whether it’s reviewing a landing page, a video or a new campaign, your input in a usability test can help shape the user experience for organizations around the world.

Children International- give


Choose to donate a portion of your tester proceeds to Children International’s Emergency Community Fund, which offers support for families in need.

Children International

How it works

Join this exciting new program for free. All you have to do is complete the form below to sign up to our platform. As a tester, you will have the option to donate a portion of your testing proceeds to Children International’s Emergency Community Fund for any client usability test for which you qualify. At the same time, you will have the option to earn $10 or more for these client usability tests – it’s totally up to you.


What is a user experience test?

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A user experience test is the process whereby we ask you to look at a certain website, mobile app, prototype, image, video or any digital asset, and request that you try to find a certain item, or register, or login, or other typical actions visitors might be expected to do on the target website or app. We will record what you say as you speak your thoughts out-loud and we will also include some survey questions. The goal is to help Children International understand what it can do to improve the design and usability of its website, apps, and other marketing material.

In addition to donating my time to benefit Children International, Can I do this for other organizations and be paid?

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Yes. You will be given the option to choose whether you wish to be invited, from time to time, to other projects where you would be doing exactly the same, but be paid for your time.

Do I need any special equipment?

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No. Either a Mac (OSX 10.9.5 or higher) or a PC (Windows 7 or higher), as well as a high-speed internet access connection, and a standard internet browser program (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and a working built in mic is more than sufficient.. For some tests you may also need a webcam.

YOUR TIME in a usability test can help a family in need. Become a Digital Volunteer Now!

Start testing — and giving — today!

children international, children international, children international. Consider making a financial contribution to support the foundation’s programs and initiatives. You can visit the Children International website and explore their donation options, which may include one-time donations, monthly giving, or sponsorship programs.. Spread Awareness: Raise awareness about Children International and their mission by sharing their stories, initiatives, and success stories on social media platforms or through word-of-mouth. Encourage others to get involved and support the organization.