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Optimize your information architecture with Tree Testing

Tree Testing
Tree Testing

What is Tree Testing?

Tree Testing is an advanced usability feature that is used to improve the information architecture of websites, apps and prototypes.

It consists of asking the participants to use a hierarchical “Map” or “Tree” to find a product or theme, such that you can verify the validity of the information structure and findability of different products or themes on a site, mobile app or prototype.

Learn key insights about your users

Learn key metrics about your target audience like the following:


Success Rate

 The percentage of users who found the right category for that task.


First Click

The category most people selected first.


Time Spent

Average time spent on completing the task.



The percentage of users who went to the right category immediately, without backtracking or trying any other categories.

Additionally, you will see our Artificial Intelligence (AI) based recommendations leverage an advanced proprietary algorithm as well as success rates in similar industries.

Tree Testing

Leverage our UX Consulting for your Tree Testing needs

In addition to our platform and global panel, we offer optional UX Consulting such as designing the Card Sorting study script, analysis and reports with recommendations, diary studies, moderated testing, project management for testing with children (including parental consent) and similar.

What is Tree Testing, and how does it work?

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Tree testing is a usability method used to validate the information structure of a website, app, or prototype. It involves presenting users with a simplified, text-based version of your site’s hierarchy—a “tree”—and assigning them tasks to locate specific items. This helps identify where users may face navigation issues, allowing you to make adjustments that improve findability and overall user experience.

What is tree testing used for?

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Tree testing is primarily used to assess the effectiveness of a website’s navigation or information architecture. It reveals how easily users can locate information, enabling you to refine the structure to enhance usability and reduce confusion. This type of testing is valuable for improving the accessibility of categories and content.

How do you create a tree test?

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Creating a tree test involves mapping out a clear, hierarchical structure of your site or app, usually without any design elements, and then assigning specific tasks that users must complete within this structure. Many tree testing tools, including our own, make it easy to set up tests and gain valuable insights with metrics like success rate, first click, and directness.

What’s a good success rate on a tree test?

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An ideal success rate on a tree test varies, but higher rates generally indicate that users are finding the correct categories without difficulty. For most usability benchmarks, a success rate of 70-80% is considered good, showing that the information is intuitive and accessible. Lower rates often reveal areas for improvement in the information architecture.

How is tree testing different from card sorting?

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Tree testing and card sorting are both valuable UX research methods, but they serve different purposes. While tree testing validates an existing structure, card sorting helps create or organize one by having users categorize information in ways that make sense to them. Using both methods can offer comprehensive insights for building and validating effective navigation systems.

Are there free tree testing tools available?

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Yes, several tree testing tools offer free trials or basic versions to help you get started. However, advanced tools often require a subscription to access features like detailed analytics, UX consulting, and proprietary AI recommendations.

What insights can I gain from a tree test?

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Tree tests provide key insights into user behavior and navigation patterns. Metrics like success rate, first click, time spent, and directness reveal how users interact with the site structure. These insights help you optimize navigation and ensure users can quickly locate information.

Why should I use tree testing software?

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Tree testing software simplifies the process of setting up and analyzing tests, offering essential metrics and recommendations that would be difficult to gather manually. Our software, for example, includes AI-driven recommendations and comparisons with similar industries, allowing you to fine-tune your information architecture to meet user needs effectively.

What is tree jack testing?

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Tree jack testing is a term often used interchangeably with tree testing. Both methods evaluate how well users can navigate through a tree structure to locate specific content. Tree jack testing highlights where users may struggle, providing actionable insights for improving content organization.

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